dental clinic

We understand that toothaches are very unpleasant, so you don’t need to suffer from pain any longer; make an appointment before the problem gets worse – all emergency patients are welcome.

The most common causes of tooth pain are dental cavities and decay, wisdom teeth, cracked or fractured teeth, exposed roots, jaw joint (TMJ) dysfunction and gum disease. Our dentists can help determine the cause of a toothache and treat the issue, relieving you of pain.

Dental Implants are a great alternative for patients who are missing individual teeth or wearing dentures. Because they are so much like natural teeth, most people are unable to detect that they even exist; they enable talking, laughing, eating, and chewing with confidence.

With the help of Dental Implants, it can restore your smile, enhance your appearance, boost your self-confidence, and improve your overall quality of life.

What are the advantages of having Dental Implants?

  1. Dental Implants are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.
  2. Dental Implants are permanently fixed and fused to your jawbone.
  3. Dental Implants are a great alternative for patients who are missing individual teeth or wearing dentures.
  4. Dental Implants are made of titanium that’s why you can assure that it is strong enough to function like your natural teeth.
  5. Dental implants provide amazing stability for patients, aiding with biting pressure as well as reducing irritation and ulcers generally experienced by denture wearers.

Is having Dental Implants painful?

Having dental implants is not as painful as you imagine. Patients say that having a tooth extraction feels worse. Do not worry about Dental Implants. It provides amazing stability for patients, aiding with biting pressure as well as reducing irritation and ulcers generally experienced by denture wearers.

During implant treatment, our dedicated team ensures that every possible step is taken to make patients feel relaxed and at ease. We provide precise pre- and post-surgical instructions, to promote quick and effective healing.

What is the process for having Dental Implants?

  1. Find a Great Dental Clinic – The first step for having Dental Implants is find a Great Dental Clinic which is Dental Implants Chatswood.
  2. Consultation – The next step is consultation. During the consultation, our implant specialist will personally examine your teeth, evaluate your case, advise you of your options and provide you with a detailed treatment plan. Our dentists will also provide dos and don’ts on what you do before and after of your scheduled surgery.
  3. Anesthesia – Because a dental implant is an oral surgical procedure, you will be sedated to keep you calm and relaxed during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used will be determined by the number of implants you receive, your level of comfort, and the preference of your oral surgeon.

Local Anesthesia – Local anesthesia involves numbing an area of the body using a type of medicine called a local anesthetic. These medicines can be used to treat painful conditions, prevent pain during a procedure or operation, or relieve pain after surgery.

Sedation Anesthesia – General anesthetic, or sedation, is used to put you into a deeply relaxed and almost sleep-like state so that treatment is easier and quicker for you. 

4. Surgery – the procedure involves the initial placement, and then a healing process that usually takes three months, before they can be completed by restoration with crowns. The loss of a tooth, or the inability of our teeth to perform their natural functions can severely affect eating patterns, self-confidence, and appearance; missing teeth and gaps can distract from an otherwise beautiful smile.

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to these problems, mimicking natural teeth, and providing a fully functional replacement for missing teeth. Generally made from titanium, they are surgically inserted into the jawbone; they take on the role of an anchor within the mouth, which is then used to fasten ‘false teeth’ into position.

What is the best Clinic for you to have a Dental Implants?

The best Clinic for you to have a Dental Implants is Dental Chatswood. Why us? Our family-oriented dental clinic has been serving our community for over 20 years. Going forward, we will be implementing a preventative dental care program that will provide our patients with better quality treatment in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

Our goal is to improve the community’s understanding of oral health and to collaborate with them in maintaining it. And why is this so? Because we want our patients to leave their appointments with their best-looking smiles yet.