






  • 下颌关节疼痛的症状

    • 颌部持续疼痛或不适
    • 咀嚼时感到困难或疼痛
    • 颌部出现咔嗒或弹响声
    • 颌部活动受限
    • 头痛及耳痛
    • 面部肌肉酸痛
    • 颈部和肩部疼痛
  • 下颌关节疼痛的治疗方案

    • 药物
    • 物理治疗
    • 咬合夹板
    • 生活方式的改变
    • 热/冷疗法



  • 保持良好的口腔卫生,以防止可能加剧下颌疼痛的其他牙齿问题
  • 坚持食用不会拉伤下颌的软食。
  • 定期进行推荐的下颌锻炼,以加强和放松下颌肌肉。
  • 参与缓解压力的活动,如瑜伽、冥想和深呼吸练习。
  • 定期咨询您的牙医或理疗师,以监测您的病情并根据需要调整治疗


我们在谷歌上的评分高达4.9星,患者的满意度胜过千言万语。聆听他们的亲身体验,了解为何 K Family Dental 为 Chatswoods 地区值得信赖的口腔医疗之选。

  • Thank you Dr Chen for treating my toothache! Really good skill and service!

    Winnie SYU Avatar Winnie SYU

    Extremely happy with my teeth now. Really recommend Dr Chen! My teeth were really messy before but I have my all teeth fixed after the orthodontic braces! Yayyy

    Ben Zhang Avatar Ben Zhang

    Klein先生、Jason先生、Ana先生に歯を見てもらったことがありますが、みんな優しくて説明も丁寧です 受付の人もすごく丁寧でメールもすごく親切で、アシスタントの人達もとても優しい

    Nana Avatar Nana
  • Exceptional !!!

    Fenny Sutanto Tan Avatar Fenny Sutanto

    Dr Chan is really professional and friendly. Fixed my teeth problem! Finally found a dentist i can trust!

    Hao Shen Avatar Hao Shen

    Very happy client. Had my vineers done as well as a tooth implant and couldn’t be happier. Always get compliments on my teeth. Thank you

    Elena Kuzmina Avatar Elena Kuzmina
  • Dr Chen has always been very thorough and nice. Both the staff and the doctor made me feel welcomed. They're all multilingual so the whole experience was relaxing and tailored... Read More

    George Ma Avatar George Ma

    Dr Chen helped treat the many problems I had with great care. Above and beyond excellent personalised service, thank you very much.

    Jenny Lee-Pinter Avatar Jenny Lee-Pinter

    日式服務、台灣品質、澳洲價格👍 有保險可以使用

    Yu-Hsuan Lin Avatar Yu-Hsuan Lin
  • Klein is a great dentist 😁😁😁

    Subhadeep Dutta Avatar Subhadeep Dutta

    👏Awesome dentist in Chatswood. Amazing experience till now. All the staff members are very knowledgeable and friendly. 😊I can smile happily and strongly now with the help of K Family... Read More

    suhail lutfi Avatar suhail lutfi

    I had a great experience here. Excellent service and amazing dentistry. わからないことも日本語で丁寧に説明してくれました。

  • 日式服務、台灣品質、澳洲價格👍 有保險可以使用

    Yu-Hsuan Lin Avatar Yu-Hsuan Lin
  • My experience at K Family Dental was fantastic. I hadn't been to the dentist for some time and wasn't sure what to expect. Dr Chen was very friendly and took... Read More

    Chris D Avatar Chris D
  • 👏Awesome dentist in Chatswood. Amazing experience till now. All the staff members are very knowledgeable and friendly. 😊I can smile happily and strongly now with the help of K Family... Read More

    suhail lutfi Avatar suhail lutfi
  • Dr Chan is really professional and friendly. Fixed my teeth problem! Finally found a dentist i can trust!

    Hao Shen Avatar Hao Shen
  • Thanks for removing the stain from my teeth, they were never this clean before. Good job :)

    蔡承宏 Avatar 蔡承宏
  • Dr. Chen is amazing and takes time to listen and care for his patients. I recieved root canal treatment under microscope with no pain or discomfort.

    Ricky Avatar Ricky
  • Exceptional !!!

    Fenny Sutanto Tan Avatar Fenny Sutanto
  • Thank you Dr Chen for treating my toothache! Really good skill and service!

    Winnie SYU Avatar Winnie SYU
  • Very happy with their dental service, fixed my teeth with a reasonable price. DR Chen is the best Chatswood dentist at the best dental clinic in Chatswood.

    miriam felton Avatar miriam felton
  • Dr Chen has always been very thorough and nice. Both the staff and the doctor made me feel welcomed. They're all multilingual so the whole experience was relaxing and tailored... Read More

    George Ma Avatar George Ma





  • 牙齿受伤或脱落
  • 牙痛
  • 口腔肿胀
  • 口腔出血
  • 任何其他异常症状


  1. 用温盐水漱口,可减轻炎症
  2. 服用非处方止痛药
  3. 冷敷患处,以减少肿胀
  4. 避免食用坚硬或需要大力咀嚼的食物,以防加重疼痛


在 K Family Dental,我们以拥有高技能的牙医团队和敬业的工作人员为荣。我们结合了现代牙科的最佳实践,专注于在温馨的环境中提供一流的护理。我们的团队精通英语、普通话和日语,提供全面的护理服务,兼具文化敏感性和个性化服务。

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