Our Services

Our board-certified professionals are committed to delivering exemplary dental care — diagnostic services, preventive advice, and specialised treatments, from cosmetic enhancements to dental implants, all tailored to your individual needs.
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Our Clinic Services

Our dentists can help determine the cause of a toothache and treat the issue, relieving you of pain.

Root canal therapy is a sequence of treatments that are used to eliminate infection from the pulp of a tooth.

We provide precise pre- and post-surgical instructions, to promote quick and effective healing.

We offer solutions for replacing missing teeth and closing gaps, so you can restore your confident smile.

We work closely with a local ceramist on developing our high-quality crowns with a meticulous technique.

Tooth-coloured filling material is available in two different types: composite resin and ceramic.

The removable aligners are made of clear, strong medical-grade plastic, and are worn for approximately one to two weeks each.

Invisalign technology works by using the latest advances in 3D computer imaging to create a treatment plan.

Our dentist will assess the suitability of your teeth for our 45-minute Phillips Zoom whitening treatment.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is needed when they cannot properly emerge, or erupt, from the gums.

Periodontitis is an irreversible condition, it can be treated, but not cured. Treatment aims at preventing advancement of the condition.

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder may be due to a combination of problems, such as arthritis or a jaw injury.

No gap check-up and clean appointments are covered by all health insurance funds.

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