歯のホワイトニング $699~

ホワイトニングとブリーチングの違いは以下の通りです:ブリーチングは、過酸化物(例えば、過酸化尿素や過酸化水素)を使用して歯を白くする方法です。これにより、歯を自然な色以上に白くすることができます。ブリーチングは主に歯の内部の着色を取り除くことができます。 ホワイトニングは、歯の自然な色を回復させるプロセスで、食事や汚れによって付着したステインを除去します。ホワイトニング製品(例:ホワイトニング歯磨き粉)は歯の表面をきれいにすることができますが、その効果はプロフェッショナルな治療ほど強力ではありません。
K Family Dental では、歯のホワイトニング治療中に、歯の自然な色以上に白さを引き出すために、プロフェッショナルなブリーチング方法を使用します。この治療では、通常、過酸化水素を使用します。過酸化水素の濃度は、個々のニーズや適性に応じて、通常9%から40%の範囲で調整されます。
加齢による着色は、外因性と内因性の両方の要因が組み合わさり、顕著な歯の変色を引き起こします。時間が経つにつれて、エナメル質の下にある象牙質が黄色くなり、エナメル質自体が薄くなるため、象牙質が目立ちやすくなります。喫煙や暗い色の飲料の摂取などの生活習慣も、この変化を加速させることがあります。定期的な歯のケアとカスタマイズされた治療を受けることで、加齢による変化を効果的に管理することができます。 -
K Family Dentalで歯のホワイトニング治療を受けると、登録された歯科医によるプロフェッショナルなケアが提供されます。オフィスでの歯のホワイトニング手順では、歯科医が規定の濃度の過酸化物ジェルを慎重に歯に塗布します。ジェルを塗布する前に、歯茎が刺激されないように、ゴム製のダムや塗布式の保護バリアを使用して歯茎を保護します。
歯のホワイトニング治療は、歯の色を目に見えて明るくすることができます。K Family Dentalの歯科医師と相談し、シェードガイドを使って実現可能な結果について話し合うことができます。平均的には、患者さんは約2シェードの改善を実感することが多いですが、結果はエナメル質の状態や使用する治療法によって大きく異なります。中には、9シェード以上の明るい笑顔を実現できる人もいますが、最終的な結果は個々の状況や期待する明るさによって異なります。
K Family Dentalで歯のホワイトニングオプションについて詳しく知るため予約をしましょう!

実際の顧客の声、 実際の患者 のストーリー
Googleで4.9の高評価を誇るKファミリーデンタルでは、患者様の満足度がその証です。 患者様の体験談を通じて、なぜKファミリーデンタルがチャッツウッドで信頼される選択 肢となっているのかをご確認ください。
Dr. Chen is amazing and takes time to listen and care for his patients. I recieved root canal treatment under microscope with no pain or discomfort.
Dr Chen has always been very thorough and nice. Both the staff and the doctor made me feel welcomed. They're all multilingual so the whole experience was relaxing and tailored... Read More for my need. The clinic is clean and in a quiet area in Chatswood. Dr Chen always explains my conditions in detail and encourages me to take good care of my dental health. I'd definitely recommend K Family Dental to my friends.
George Ma
🌟 Excellent Dental Clinic Services in Chatswood - A Smile Worth Sharing! 🌟 I recently had the pleasure of visiting K Family Dental Clinic for my dental needs, and... Read More I couldn't be happier with the exceptional care and service I received. Let me share my positive experience with you! Expert and Friendly Staff: From the moment I stepped into the clinic, I was greeted by a warm and welcoming team. The staff members were not only highly skilled and knowledgeable but also genuinely caring and friendly. They made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire visit. 🌟 State-of-the-Art Facilities: The clinic boasts modern and well-equipped facilities, creating an atmosphere of professionalism and trust. The cleanliness and organization of the practice gave me confidence that I was in good hands. ⭐ Comprehensive Examinations: The dentist performed a thorough examination, taking the time to listen to my concerns and answer all of my questions. They explained each step of the process in a clear and understandable manner, ensuring I was well-informed about the condition of my oral health. 💫 Personalized Treatment Plan: Following the examination, the dentist developed a personalized treatment plan tailored to my specific needs. They discussed various options with me, considering my preferences and budget. I appreciated their transparency and commitment to finding the best solution for me. 🌈 Pain-Free Procedures: During the treatment, the dentist and their team went above and beyond to ensure my comfort. They used gentle techniques and took measures to minimize any discomfort. I was pleasantly surprised by how painless the entire procedure was. 👏 Exceptional Results: I am thrilled with the outcome of my dental treatment. The dentist's expertise and attention to detail resulted in a beautiful and healthy smile. I feel more confident than ever before, and I can't stop sharing my positive experience with friends and family. 👍 Customer-Centric Approach: What truly sets this dental practice apart is their commitment to exceptional customer service. They prioritize patient satisfaction and go the extra mile to ensure a positive experience from start to finish. I felt valued as an individual, not just a patient. 🌟 I highly recommend K Family Dental for anyone seeking top-notch dental services. Their skilled team, modern facilities, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence make them the go-to choice for all your dental needs. Trust me, your smile will thank you! 😁✨
qianjin Ma
Dr Chen has always been very thorough and nice. Both the staff and the doctor made me feel welcomed. They're all multilingual so the whole experience was relaxing and tailored... Read More for my need. The clinic is clean and in a quiet area in Chatswood. Dr Chen always explains my conditions in detail and encourages me to take good care of my dental health. I'd definitely recommend K Family Dental to my friends.
George Ma
🌟 Excellent Dental Clinic Services in Chatswood - A Smile Worth Sharing! 🌟 I recently had the pleasure of visiting K Family Dental Clinic for my dental needs, and... Read More I couldn't be happier with the exceptional care and service I received. Let me share my positive experience with you! Expert and Friendly Staff: From the moment I stepped into the clinic, I was greeted by a warm and welcoming team. The staff members were not only highly skilled and knowledgeable but also genuinely caring and friendly. They made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire visit. 🌟 State-of-the-Art Facilities: The clinic boasts modern and well-equipped facilities, creating an atmosphere of professionalism and trust. The cleanliness and organization of the practice gave me confidence that I was in good hands. ⭐ Comprehensive Examinations: The dentist performed a thorough examination, taking the time to listen to my concerns and answer all of my questions. They explained each step of the process in a clear and understandable manner, ensuring I was well-informed about the condition of my oral health. 💫 Personalized Treatment Plan: Following the examination, the dentist developed a personalized treatment plan tailored to my specific needs. They discussed various options with me, considering my preferences and budget. I appreciated their transparency and commitment to finding the best solution for me. 🌈 Pain-Free Procedures: During the treatment, the dentist and their team went above and beyond to ensure my comfort. They used gentle techniques and took measures to minimize any discomfort. I was pleasantly surprised by how painless the entire procedure was. 👏 Exceptional Results: I am thrilled with the outcome of my dental treatment. The dentist's expertise and attention to detail resulted in a beautiful and healthy smile. I feel more confident than ever before, and I can't stop sharing my positive experience with friends and family. 👍 Customer-Centric Approach: What truly sets this dental practice apart is their commitment to exceptional customer service. They prioritize patient satisfaction and go the extra mile to ensure a positive experience from start to finish. I felt valued as an individual, not just a patient. 🌟 I highly recommend K Family Dental for anyone seeking top-notch dental services. Their skilled team, modern facilities, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence make them the go-to choice for all your dental needs. Trust me, your smile will thank you! 😁✨
qianjin Ma
My experience at K Family Dental was fantastic. I hadn't been to the dentist for some time and wasn't sure what to expect. Dr Chen was very friendly and took... Read More the time to explain to me why certain things were important (there was a lot I learnt during the visit). I also thought he was very thorough and was genuinely interested in my well-being. I'd definitely recommend his practice to others.
Chris D
緊急のアドバイスが必要な場合は、まずご連絡ください。診療時間外の場合は、クリニ ックに到着するまで以下の緊急ケアのアドバイスに従ってください。
歯をしっかりとケアしていても、事故が起こることがあります。その際、迅速な対応 が必要です。たとえ軽度の怪我でも、すぐに治療を受けないと感染症のリスクが高ま ることがあります。歯が損傷したり、抜けたりした場合、または歯痛、腫れ、出血、 その他の異常な症状が現れた場合は、すぐに当クリニックにご連絡ください。
予約日まで歯の痛みを抑えるには、ぬるま湯に塩を溶かしたもので口をゆすぎ、市販の 鎮痛剤を服用し、冷湿布で腫れを抑えます。 痛みを悪化させる可能性がある硬い食べ物や噛み応えのある食べ物と食べることは避け ましょう。